
An Analysis of Degrassi: The Next Generation, Episode 3x5 Pride (Part 2)

Degrassi: The Next Generation
 is a Canadian television show that stars high school teenagers and the many trials and tribulations that come with this time in a person's life. One of these Degrassi High teens, Marco Del Rossi (played by Adamo Ruggiero), "comes out" to his friends in the season three episode, Pride. At the end of the previous episode, Marco confesses to one of his closest friends, Spinner, that he walked out on a date with a girl because he is gay. This episode opens up with the two friends talking to each other in front of the school, Marco asking Spin if he has blabbed his secret. Spinner feigns ignorance, laughing while he makes Marco repeat his confession. Throughout the episode, Spinner is extremely homophobic, acting as though heterosexuality is the only "right" orientation to pertain to. He frequently uses the word "fag" in the literal (homosexual) context of the word. He also acts surprised to learn that Marco is going to a hockey game, claiming that he thought he was "doing some gay artsy thing" with his friend, Ellie. Spin apparently believes that he is right to assume that the only reason Marco wants to go to the game is to see his "big gay crush" Dylan. Spin writes "Marco is a fag" on one of the boys' bathroom stalls, but when his friend Jimmy catches him in the act, Jimmy asks, "So what are you gonna write next? Something about me being black?" Clearly, there are certain characters on the show who represent the antithesis of heterosexual privilege.

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